The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects the body of the uterus That is the part Where the fetus grows to the birth canal. The cervix is made up of two regions That constitute different types of cells.
(a.) Endocervix: The opening of the cervix that leads to the uterus is known as the endocervix, and it is covered with glandular cells.
(b.) Exocervix: This is the outer part of the cervix, observed during medical observation done by doctors
The Region where both of the paths of the uterus meat is known as the transformation zone and this part is the most prone to developing cancer. The main cause of cancer in this area is the human papillomavirus Also known as HPV, the body’s immune system typically can deal with this virus easily but in some individuals, this virus manages to survive for years and slowly contributes to the process of making the cells of this region cancerous hence causing cervical cancer.
Just like most cancers, Cervical cancer does not have any symptoms in the early stage but, as cancer begins to become serious the major symptoms that appear are abnormal vaginal bleeding especially after intercourse and between periods this can also happen after menopause, The bleeding is generally watery and it is heavy with a foul odor.
Cervical cancer, Just like any other cancer, is caused due to changes or mutation in the structure of the DNA that causes them to divide abnormally. The exact cause of cervical cancer is unknown but what we know currently is that HPV plays a key role in promoting the growth of cervical cancer.
The two cancer-prone areas of the cervix are:
The factors which greatly increases the risks of one getting infected with cervical cancer are as follows: