Monsoon, the season of rejuvenation, the time when all of the nature blooms and becomes lush green and there exists a serene ambience in the atmosphere
However, it is also the time when all sorts of bacteria and parasites thrive and thus makes us prone to unpleasant infections. Being negligent during this time could affect us but even more so for people with diabetes since they are susceptible to certain diseases and take longer to heal from infections. Thus it is of paramount importance for them to take extra preventive measures. Here are a few tips and precautions for diabetes that can help patients enjoy the monsoon without being affected by it.
a) Diabetic nephropathy is a common occurrence for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes where the blood vessels in the kidneys that filter waste get affected and cause kidney damage and high blood pressure. Especially in monsoon it is important to drink clean filtered or boiled water to prevent the chances of contracting water-borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, etc.
b) During monsoons, there is an urge to eat fried food or ordered food as it becomes difficult to do groceries. Such unhealthy changes in diet can affect diabetic people and throw insulin levels off balance. It is advised to eat healthy home cooked food in small portions or according to the diet prescribed by the physician.
c) It is important to wear proper covered footwear to protect the feet but they should also keep the feet moisture free. The same applies for the genital area as any bacterial buildup or fungal infection is particularly painful for diabetic people as it takes longer to heal.
d) Monsoons can make us less thirsty. Drinking lots of water is very important for people suffering from diabetes. A minimum of 3-4 litres in the course of the day should help them maintain a good level of hydration.
e) Mosquito- borne diseases are rampant in monsoon. Proper care should be taken to fully cover the body by wearing full sleeved clothes and proper shoes to prevent mosquito bites as dengue, malaria and similar diseases are very hard for diabetic people to recover from.
Follow these tips and stay safe. Happy Monsoons!
1.) What are the most important precautions for diabetic patients during the pandemic?
Taking regular medication or injecting insulin as directed, staying active while at home, having a diabetes friendly diet, staying hydrated, minding your immunity, and paying attention to your mental health are crucial for diabetic patients during the pandemic.
2.) How to stop diabetes before it starts?
Losing excess weight, leading an active lifestyle, eating more plant-based food and healthy fats, quitting smoking are some ways known to help prevent diabetes.
3.) What causes diabetes?
The exact cause of diabetes type 1 is not known, it is believed to be an auto-immune disorder where the insulin producing cells are destroyed. However type 2 diabetes is more dependent on lifestyle, obesity and genetic factors.
4.)What is the best treatment for diabetes?
Oral medication, regular screening tests to monitor blood sugar levels or injecting insulin as prescribed are the best ways to treat diabetes. Along with this following a diabetes friendly diet, accelerates the effects of medication.