Most Prominent Tropical Fevers, Their Causes, and How To Be Safe
Most Prominent Tropical Fevers, Their Causes, and How To Be Safe

By Malla Reddy Narayana on 12 Dec, 2022

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Tropical fever is an umbrella term that groups together the infections caused by bacteria and viruses, that mostly affect people living in tropical and subtropical regions. The most prominent tropical fever include mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria and water-borne diseases like typhoid and viral infections like influenza to name a few. These tropical fevers have the following key symptoms that are common:-

– Fever accompanied by chills

– Skin rash

– Pain in head and abdomen

– Conjunctivitis

In temperate climate zones, most of the common viral and bacterial infections are transmitted directly from person to person, via air, or through sexual contact. The most prominent disorders that are significant in the tropics include measles, respiratory syncytial virus, and tuberculosis.

Furthermore, contaminated food and water supplies are a major source of disease transmission in developing nations where access to clean water and hygienic conditions is a luxury. Many of these patients need intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, including mechanical breathing, renal replacement therapy, vasopressor support, blood and blood component therapy, and other services, due to single or multiple organ failure.

Let’s Understand The causes of tropical fever in detail

Viral Tropical Fevers

We will first discuss the tropical fevers that are caused due to viral infection and what measures can one take to prevent them

Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection. The carrier of the dengue virus is the species of mosquito referred to as Aedes aegypti. Poor hygiene is the primary cause of the dengue epidemic in some social groups. There is currently no vaccine to minimize the effects of dengue that has been created by medical researchers from all around the world hence, one can only take precautions against mosquito bites. It is a virus carried by the mosquito species Aedes aegypti. Dengue is one of the most widespread diseases because it is brought on by the accumulation of water, which causes a rise in the number of mosquitoes.

Symptoms of Dengue

The most common symptoms of dengue include

– High Fever

– Muscle aches

– Fatigue and Nausea

– Bleeding of gums and nose


– Take the help of mosquito repellants

– Clear all the stagnant water in and around the house

– Wear full sleeves while outside


Malaria, just like dengue, is a mosquito-borne illness that is found in water-clogged areas. Standing water that gathers around the property serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Nymphs of Anopheles Mosquitoes transmit the malaria virus from animals to people. The most you can do is take basic precautions since there is no vaccine for malaria. The illness is totally treatable if caught in time.

Symptoms of Malaria

– Muscle pain

– Body shivers

– Headache

– Upset stomach

– Sore throat along with feeling breathless


– Apply insect repellent frequently.

– Use a mosquito net

– Wear full sleeves.

– Utilize mosquito screens for windows and doors.

– Avoid mosquito-prone areas


The respiratory system includes the nose, throat, and lungs, which are all affected by the flu (influenza). Though influenza is also referred to as the ‘flu’, it is completely different from the stomach “flu” which causes vomiting and diarrhea

Most flu sufferers recover on their own but there are rare cases where influenza becomes fatal.


– Fever

– Muscle Pain

– Dry Cough

– Fatigue

– Nausea


– Avoid coming in close proximity to an infected individual

– Get ample rest at home and avoid going out

– Cover the mouth while coughing/sneezing

– Washing hands regularly

– Avoid touching mouth, nose, or eyes with dirty hands


Diarrhea and other digestive symptoms are often brought on by the virus known as rotavirus. It is the most typical cause of diarrhea in newborns and young children around the world and is highly contagious. Rotavirus has a spherical shape when viewed under a microscope. Rota, which is the Latin word for wheel, explains how the virus earned its name. In newborns, young children, and some adults, it can result in severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, and dehydration.


– Dryness of mouth and throat

– Fatigue

– Nausea and Vomiting

– Severe diarrhea

– Fever

– Severe dehydration


Basic measures like regularly washing hands and keeping the house clean and sanitized can help reduce the chances of one getting infected, however, it is still not enough. The best method of prevention is getting the rotavirus vaccine.

Bacterial Tropical Fevers

Now will first discuss the tropical fevers that are caused due to bacterial infection and what measures can one take to prevent them


This illness, which is a waterborne disease is brought on by the S. Typhi bacteria, is one of the most prevalent diseases during the monsoon season. One key characteristic of Typhoid fever is that its severity increases after dusk and becomes mild in the morning time.

Symptoms of Typhoid

– Loss of appetite

– Abdominal pain

– Rashes

– Upset stomach

– Headache


– Wash fruits and vegetables before eating

– Don’t consume raw food

– Avoid food that is spicy

– Refrain from consuming items rich in carbohydrates like onion and garlic


Cholera is a water-borne disease, which is most prominent during the monsoon season when there is a lot of contaminated water. Due to improper sanitation, people don’t care enough to verify the quality of food and water, and as a result, the disease spreads very rapidly.


– Higher heart rate

– Hypotension

– Extreme thirst

– Mood swings

– The feces has a fishy odor


– Maintain extra hygiene in the washroom to avoid contamination

– Consume clean, properly prepared meals

– Wash your hands frequently

– Boil the vegetables before cooking them


Above are the most prominent tropical fevers, their symptoms, and what are the precautions one can take to prevent them. We hope that you will take proper measures and that this blog will help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy.

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