Top 10 Reasons Why Your Feet Is Paining, Here’s Everything You Need To Know
Top 10 Reason Why Your Feet Is Paining, Here's Everything You Need To Know

By Malla Reddy Narayana on 22 May, 2022

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Foot pain is a regular occurrence. However, there are numerous possible causes, making it difficult for even medical professionals to pinpoint the exact reason for the problem. The medical history and symptoms of foot discomfort may provide some insight, but they are still not enough for a solid diagnosis.

If one has an underlying medical problem that causes foot discomfort, the situation becomes even more complicated. Diabetes, peripheral artery disease, and neuropathy are examples of these disorders. If this is the case, one should consult their doctor or foot care professional before attempting to treat the foot discomfort on their own.

Here are the top 10 reasons for foot pain their symptoms, causes, and method of treatment

Heel Spurs

A heel spur is a growth of bone on the back of the heel bone. It connects to the plantar fascia, a long band of connective tissue that runs from the heel to the ball of the foot, on the underside of the heel bone. This connective tissue functions as a stress absorber and holds the arch together during movement. The stress and inflammation of the tissue pressing on the bone can cause discomfort, which can also be caused if the plantar fascia is overstretched from running, wearing ill-fitting shoes, or being overweight. In reaction to this stress, the body develops the extra bone, resulting in heel spurs. 

Treatment Methods:

– Rest

– Packs of ice

– Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs

– Stretching properly before an activity

– Proper fitting footwear

– Injections of corticosteroids

– Surgery


Corns are yellowish calluses that form on the tops of the toes. Corns grow as a result of maltreatment or stress. When a toe rubs against a shoe or another toe, a corn forms. Corns can be extremely painful and inconvenient.

Treatment Methods:

– Removal of the corn slowly by scraping the dead skin layers

– Using pads to wrap around the corn

– Wearing proper fitting shoes which keep the foot comfortable and free of irritation

– Surgery



A bunion is a bone or tissue protrusion around a joint. Bunions can develop at the base of the big toe or the base of the little toe, and they’re most common when the joint is overworked. Women are more likely than men to get bunions as a result of wearing tight, pointed, and constraining shoes. Bunions can also be caused by arthritis, which also affects the big toe.

Methods of treatment

– Wear comfortable, and well-fitting footwear

– Surgery

– Using pads to apply to the affected area

– Ibuprofen and other pain relievers

Morton neuroma

Morton neuroma is a benign (noncancerous) accumulation of tissue in the nerves running between the long bones of the foot. When two bones rub against each other, the nerve between them is squeezed. Neuromas most commonly form between the bones connecting the third and fourth toes. Swelling, soreness, and pain are common symptoms of Morton neuroma. In severe conditions, swelling, and tenderness may also be observed along with pain. It commonly happens after a long duration of standing or walking.

 Methods of treatment

– Proper rest

– Wearing well-fitting footwear

– Cortisone injections and surgery for persistent pain


Hammertoe refers to the condition in which the toe becomes bent, which causes the affected toe’s middle joint to protrude. Tight-fitting shoes that induce stress on the hammertoe might exacerbate the problem. At this location, corn often grows.The second toe is the one that is affected the most.

Methods of treatment

– Using a toepad over the protruded part

– Wearing footwear that doesn’t put excessive strain on the protruded part

– Surgery

Ankle sprain

An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments in the foot and ankle are injured. Ligaments are stiff, elastic bands of tissue that link bones. If the ankle performs any movement beyond its usual range of motion, it might sprain. Awkward foot positioning, uneven surfaces, weak muscles, loose ligaments, and wearing spiked heels can all cause ankle sprains. Swelling, discomfort, and bruising are common symptoms of a sprain, depending on how badly the ligaments are strained or ruptured.

Methods of treatment

– Proper rest 

– Wrapping ankle with a bandage

– Applying an ice pack to reduce swelling

– NSAIDs to relieve pain and swelling

– Physical therapy

– Walking cast and surgery for severe cases

Foot fracture

The foot consists of 26 bones, which makes it vulnerable to a variety of fractures. Thankfully most of them don’t require surgery or a cast and heal on their own with proper care. The main symptom of a fracture is painful swelling. The main fractures that can occur in the foot are as follows:

– Toe Fracture: These fractures are harmless and they heal automatically without the need for a cast.

– Ankle Joint Fractures: A fracture in the ankle is serious and may require immediate surgery if the fracture causes the bones to be separated by a large distance or get misaligned. This fracture requires a cast.

– Metatarsal bone fracture: This is the fracture that happens in the metatarsal bone which is located in the middle of the foot. Under normal circumstances, this doesn’t require a cast, and a solid shoe with a firm sole will be just fine. 

– Sesamoid bone fracture: The sesamoid bones are 2 small round bones that exist at the end of the metatarsal bone of the big toe. Fracture of this bone can easily be relived using padded soft soles. In severe cases, sesamoid bones need to be surgically removed.

Achilles Tendonitis

The achilles tendon is the most common site of tendon rupture or tendonitis, which is swelling of the tendon caused by overuse.

Mild soreness after exercise that becomes worse over time, stiffness that goes away after the tendon warms up, and swelling are all possible symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis. 

Methods of treatment:

– Rest

– Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications

– Supportive devices and/or bandages for the muscle and tendon

– Stretching

– Massage

– UltrasoundStrengthening exercises

– Surgery


Osteoarthritis develops when cartilage in the joint which provides smooth movement of the joint, deteriorates due to normal wear and strain. Reduced joint space, damaged cartilage, and bone spurs are all results of osteoarthritis

The ankle, subtalar, and big toe joints are frequently affected by foot osteoarthritis, which causes discomfort and limited motion.

Method of treatment

– Exercising and losing weight

– Physical treatment while taking an NSAID

– Using a tailored orthotic to relieve pain.

– Making use of an assistive gadget to help with mobility

Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenail refers to the condition when the edge of a toenail presses into the skin, it is called an ingrown toenail. It is generally observed along the edge of the big toe because of pressure from the shoe. Even the tiniest amount of ingrowth can be painful and cause swelling around the nail.

Method of treatment

– For mild cases with no redness or discharge, warm soaks and placing cotton below the toenail does the job

– If there is yellow cloudy pus present, one may need to contact the doctor to have the ingrown part removed



Most of the above conditions can be easily managed with rest, ice pack, and pain relief medications. Hence there is no need to worry. However, if the symptoms get worse, one should immediately contact the doctor to avoid further complications

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