
August is celebrated as the national month for breastfeeding in the US, and the first week of the month (Aug 1-7) is regarded to be World Breastfeeding Week (WBW)- which is a great public health initiative that forces the general public to see how new mothers find life difficult, and the various ways in which we can actually help them overcome these difficulties. The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) works with the Congress to help in this regard. The 1990 Innocenti Celebration proclaimed that all babies need to be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of their life, and to concentrate on improving maternal health and nutrition. This would definitively translate to better nutrition for the infant too. 

This whole exercise is being done with the goal of not just bettering maternal healthcare prospects, but to also provide them with a judgement-free space for it all. Letting the mother rest and recover, giving her good quality food, and setting up a comfortable breastfeeding space in the house with all supplies can greatly help, as the mother may be feeding the baby 10-12 times a day. That seems like a lot, doesn’t it? 

Sensible Parenting Tips For New Moms

Breastfeeding Advice For New Moms

Let us look at a few handy tips you may appreciate, when you decide to breastfeed your baby-


Breastfeeding is no easy feat, and it needs to be celebrated. The very fact that a mother is able to give birth to a whole little human being and then make complete food needed by the baby- that is a miracle in itself! So, it is time we get rid of any ignorance or judgement associated with the act, and to be nice to yourself. Mothers are often the harshest self-critics- they are always wondering if they are making enough, if their baby is crying too much, if they should focus on their own mental health, if their feelings of inadequacy or helplessness or excessive anxiety will go away etc. This is a lot to process for anyone. So, let us try to make their lives a little easy- by helping them in any way we can. It is time we remember this tip- breastfeeding saves lives! Literally! 


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