Renal insufficiency is a condition in which the kidneys are not able to function at their best capacity. This is caused by a decrease in blood supply to the kidneys caused due to problems in the renal artery, hence it’s also referred to as renal kidney disease. Normally, the kidneys control the level of fluids in the body along with filtering waste from the blood and regulating blood pressure. However, proper kidney function can be compromised if the blood vessels supplying blood to the kidneys become restricted, a disease known as renal artery stenosis. Some people with renal insufficiency have no or just minor symptoms. Others experience an extreme case of hypertension, impaired renal function, or kidney failure necessitating dialysis.
The following are some signs that are observed in an individual with renal insufficiency but before that, do keep in mind that if one experiences some or all of these symptoms, they should see a doctor for a check-up so that they can diagnose and treat them appropriately. A word of caution, under no circumstances, should one ignore the symptoms or opt for natural treatment at home since this may have unintended consequences, even in the short term.
– Change in urine: Changes in urination patterns, as well as changes in urine content, are early signs of renal insufficiency because the kidneys are in charge of producing urine, it’s normal to notice changes in it if one has this ailment. For example, renal insufficiency might force one to go to the toilet at night more regularly. It may also lead us to have an urgent desire to use the restroom during the day. When one has renal insufficiency, the urine may seem to have more tinge of yellow or might even be orange accompanied by a stronger unpleasant smell.
– Swelling: Renal insufficiency can cause water retention or edema. This is due to an imbalance in the body’s inflammatory processes and an accumulation of fluids in its tissues.
Swelling can happen in the:
– Abdominal Area
– Limbs
– Face
– Ankle Area
– Acne: As kidneys are responsible for the removal of toxic substances from the body, it is not uncommon for acne to appear when the kidneys are not able to function properly and the toxins reach the pores of the skin.
– Pain in the lower back: Lower back discomfort or pain in just one area of the body can be a symptom of renal disease. Although these symptoms are easily confused with typical muscular soreness. These symptoms are also common for kidney stones, and liver disease and it is up to the medical professional to do a proper diagnosis.
– Vomiting: Although these symptoms can be caused by a variety of circumstances, we should not rule out the possibility that they are caused by renal insufficiency, In which case the feeling of nausea arises because the waste in the body has not been completely cleared, causing body’s processes to malfunction.
– Dry Skin: The body loses its capacity to use the body fluids as renal insufficiency worsens. Hence, as a result, the skin gradually loses its moisture and gets drier.
– Dizziness: People with renal insufficiency often develop anemia which causes them to feel dizzy persistently. This is a result of the drop of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the body which reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain.
– Loss of appetite: Sudden loss of appetite in a normally healthy individual is a cause of concern and the person should seek medical attention to determine the cause. Although renal issues might not be the sole reason for appetite loss, it is a concern that should be investigated.
The following are the factors that increase the risk of an individual having renal insufficiency:
– Old Age
– Gender History of the Family
– Ethnicity or race
– Factors of origin
– Elevated fat level in blood
– High blood pressure (high blood pressure)
– Smoking
– Being diabetic
Since the main cause of renal insufficiency is the reduction of the amount of blood reaching the kidneys, the method of diagnosis involves looking for the symptoms of renal artery disease. These tests usually involve a duplex ultrasound test, which is commonly used to identify renal artery dysfunction along with other non-invasive tests.
However, the ultimate test is contrast angiography, which includes the infusion of dye. If a severely blocked kidney artery is identified during an angiography, therapy to unblock the artery may be done concurrently.
Patients with mild or severe renal insufficiency can be treated completely using medication and periodic evaluation of blood pressure to maintain it at recommended level along with blood tests to assess kidney function.