The season of monsoon is here, and so is the time of the year when diseases are at their peak. Hence, it becomes very vital to take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Here are the top 7 most prominent monsoon diseases that you need to be aware of and cautious about along with the methods of how to prevent them but first, let us understand why so many diseases spread during monsoon.

Why do people fall Ill during the monsoon?

Clogged water from rain and an increase in moisture content in the atmosphere serves as the perfect breeding ground for germs. Also, the temperature fluctuation brought about by this season takes a toll on the immune system and hence people fall sick, especially the ones who already have poor immunity. 

What are the most prominent diseases during monsoon?

Since there is water clogged everywhere you can lay your eyes, it provides a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Also, the moisture-filled air promotes the growth of bacteria hence, the increase in infections. Here are the top, most prominent monsoon diseases and how to protect your loved ones from them.


It is a viral infection spread by the Aedes aegypti species of mosquito. Dengue ranks among the most prevalent illnesses during the monsoon season because it is brought on by the buildup of water surrounding habitations like homes and workplaces.

The main factor contributing to the spread of dengue in some social groups is poor cleanliness. Medical researchers from all over the world have not yet developed a vaccine to lessen the impact of dengue. However, there are steps you may do to guard against mosquito bites. It is a viral infection spread by the Aedes aegypti species of mosquito. Because it is brought on by the buildup of water resulting in an increase in the population of mosquitoes, Dengue is among the most prevalent illnesses during the monsoon season.

Symptoms of Dengue

Here are the most common symptoms of dengue

– High Fever

– Muscle aches

– Fatigue and Nausea

– Bleeding of gums and nose


– Take the help of mosquito repellants

– Remove all stagnant water in and around your house

– Wear full sleeves while outside

Best Food Items To Prevent Dengue

– Milk Products

– Coconut

– Carrots

– Eggs

– Carrots


If there is a seasonal illness that is particularly prevalent in Southeast Asian and African nations, it would be typhoid. This illness, which is brought on by contaminated water, is one of the most prevalent during the monsoon season. Another significant factor that leads to typhoid is the storage and preparation of food in unsanitary settings.

This waterborne illness is brought on by the S Typhi bacteria, which also caused and spread Typhoid fever. The fever can affect anyone, regardless of gender. After dusk, its severe effects could be seen, and they substantially lessened in the morning after receiving appropriate medical care. But some foods can help you boost your resistance to typhoid.

Symptoms of Typhoid

– Loss of appetite

– Abdominal pain

– Rashes

– Upset stomach

– Headache


– Wash fruits and vegetables before eating

– Don’t consume raw food

– Avoid food that is spicy

– Stay away from garlic, onions and food items that are rich in carbohydrates

Food items to prevent Typhoid

– Banana

– Yoghurt and other dairy products

– Fresh Fruits


What if we told you that rain and cholera are closely related and have anything to do with rain? Rain and cholera go hand in hand. The disease cholera is typically spread by water and is brought on by both diarrhoea and dehydration.

The monsoon season is when cholera is most likely to emerge, according to reliable studies by medical experts. People take both food and water without hesitation or extra consideration during times of rainfall when contamination is at its highest. However, it is not the main factor in the transmission of cholera.

Symptoms of cholera

– Higher heart rate

– Hypotension

– Extreme thirst

– Mood swings

– The faeces has a fishy odour.


– Place your waste in the toilet, not outside.

– Consume clean, properly prepared meals.

– Wash your hands frequently.

– Boil the vegetables before cooking them

Food items to prevent cholera

– Include lemon juice in your morning meals.

– Try the guava root and bark cure.

– Syrup of leaves and peach blossoms.

– Consume some onion and black pepper to help you relax.


Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that, like dengue, is brought on by water blockage in the local environment. Mosquitoes breed in the standing water that collects around the property. Anopheles nymphs The malaria virus is spread by mosquitoes to humans.

Given that there is no malaria vaccine, the most you can do is take simple precautions. If you catch it early enough, the condition is completely curable.

Symptoms of Malaria

– Muscle pain

– Body shivers

– Headache

– Upset stomach

– Sore throat along with feeling breathless


– Apply insect repellent frequently.

– If at all possible, cover your bed with a mosquito net while sleeping.

– Wear full sleeves.

– Utilize mosquito control services to screen your windows and doors.

– Avoid visiting locations where malaria outbreaks are prevalent.

Food items to curb malaria

– Consume cinnamon together with black pepper and honey.

– Savour the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial foods.

– Take vitamin C from orange juice twice or three times daily to strengthen your immunity.

Viral Fever

Viral fever is mostly brought on by an underlying viral infection. Numerous viral illnesses, including the flu and the common cold, can afflict people. Viral fever, on the other hand, is a typical condition that can strike at any time of the year. However, the monsoon season, in particular, raises a person’s risk of contracting a viral fever.

The viral fever viruses are airborne and infect people when the weather changes dramatically during the monsoon. People who often sneeze or have other ailments like a sore throat should see a licenced physician. Viral fever can be the cause.

Symptoms of viral fever

– Body chills

– Excessive perspiration

– Dehydration

– Headache

– Muscle aches

– Fatigue

– Sore throat

– Abdomen and chest pain


– Rest as much as you can without worrying about yourself.

– Make honey and lime juice to consume.

– Taste the coriander tea.

– Enhance your defences with rice starch

– Utilize items with strong antibacterial and antibiotic capabilities.

Food items to prevent viral fever

– Consume chicken soup, a good source of iron and protein.

– Consume vitamin C to boost your defences. lux foods, such as green veggies

ingest beta-glucan fibre via oats

– Coconut water.


Chikungunya is another term for the illness that affects individuals the most during the monsoon. When the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes bite, it is brought on. Around the polluted water, these mosquitoes are quite busy in the morning and evening.

However, since Chikungunya is treatable at any stage, dying from this monsoon illness is quite uncommon. When you notice its symptoms, all you need to do is visit a doctor. Remember that there is now no vaccination available to prevent Chikungunya’s direct effects. One may, however, take certain preventative steps to lessen the impact of the illness.

Symptoms of chikungunya

– Inflammation of the tissues around joints

– Severe headache

– Muscle ache

– fever of up to 104 °F

– Rashes and exhaustion


– Drink a lot of liquids to reduce your chances of being dehydrated.

– Rest exclusively in bed for at least ten days.

Food items to curb chikungunya

– Garlic paste along with pepper should be used to lessen joint inflammation.

– Boost your defences by taking an Epsom salt bath in hot water.

– Take turmeric since it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

– Enjoy the Ashwagandha and Tulsi leaves.

Seasonal Cold And Flu

The common cold and flu are the only monsoon illnesses that are spread from person to person. It is a viral throat and nose illness. To combat the effects of the common cold and flu, one must fortify their immune system.

It occurs as a result of the monsoon’s alteration in temperature. Sneezing, watery eyes, runny noses, and muscular aches are all red flags that you have a typical cold or flu.

Symptoms of cold and flu

– Experiencing severe cold or perspiration

– Experiencing nausea and fatigue

– Loss of appetite

– Sore throat, cold, and congestion


– Get plenty of rest

– Consume drinks containing mint leaves

Bottom line

In India, the monsoon season runs from July to September. Although the arrival of the monsoon may seem refreshing, as we previously noted, it also increases the danger of several illnesses and disorders. Keep yourself and those close to you safe by being informed of the measures to take and the signs of the most frequent monsoon illnesses.

Consult a doctor and don’t react too strongly to the homemade remedy. In-house therapy functions most effectively when it is carried out under a qualified doctor’s direction. It’s crucial to eat a protein-rich diet blended together with foods high in antioxidants because of the COVID-19 virus that lurks all around us.